Tomas Vik
Books I read
The books I did not finish in 2024
Ray Dalio - Principles: Life and Work
Frederick Douglass - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
William B. Irvine - A Guide to the Good Life
Rob Fitzpatrick - The Mom Test
Atul Gawande - The Checklist Manifesto
Circular Dependencies in JavaScript Explained
Jornad Mechner - The Making of Prince of Persia
James Gleick - Isaac Newton
TypeScript Dependency Injection using ES Decorators
Example of whitespace-sensitive TreeSitter grammar
Tiago Forte - Building a Second Brain
How will you sell the thing you just bought: A strategy for smarter shopping
Skip GitLab CI jobs in forks
Martin Gurri - The Revolt of the Public
J. Storrs Hall - Where Is My Flying Car?: A Memoir of Future Past
Charles T. Munger, Peter D. Kaufman - Poor Charlie's Almanack
David Grann - The Wager A Tale of Shipwreck
M. Mitchell Waldrop - The Dream Machine
Isaac Asimov - Second Foundation
Isaac Asimov - Foundation and Empire
Isaac Asimov - Foundation
Neovim - Make LSP Workspace Symbols show only workspace symbols
Neovim LSP rename like a boss (with normal mode keymaps)
New lines and terminals: CR vs. LF
Fish shell has different PATH than neovim
Designing my backup process
James S.A. Corey - Leviathan Falls
James S.A. Corey - Tiamat's Wrath
James S.A. Corey - Persepolis Rising
James S.A. Corey - Babylon's Ashes
Trying to understand the impact of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
Simulate kubernetes pod resisting shutdown
James S.A. Corey - Nemesis Games
James S.A. Corey - Cibola Burn
How much energy do you need to boil a litre of water
James S.A. Corey - Abaddon's Gate
Randall Munroe - What if? 2
Fixing goreleaser error: failed to publish artifacts .. already_exists
James S.A. Corey - Caliban's War
James S.A. Corey - Leviathan Wakes
Pratchett, Gaiman - Good Omens
Go: range is like a function call
I wrote a command line tool to export Logseq pages as blog posts
Andy Weir - Martian
Go/Code Review
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